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Welcome to the THRIVE@WORK Online Training Platform for HR Professionals!

The THRIVE@WORK Training Platform aims to promote stress prevention and well-being at work, through an innovative Training and Mentoring Programme, which helps in equipping in-company VET trainers with the right knowledge and skills for the development of comprehensive well-being programmes within their organisations.

This platform constitutes an opportunity for the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and best practices between HR Professionals or any other in-company VET Trainers, CEOs, and owners of companies.

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Our Training and Mentoring Programme
testimonials and short videos

Training & Mentoring Programme
Pilot Workshop: Work-related Stress Management
Pilot workshop: How to plan a sound well-beign programme
Work-related stress management
Pilot training in Greece by Job
Module 1:  Introduction to Positive Psychology/PERMA model and its application at work
Module 2: How to plan for a sound well-being programme


Interesting articles and news in relation to workplace well-being

Contact Online Training Platform

Contact Us

Feel free to send us a message, sharing your ideas and thoughts regarding our training programme, as well as any suggestions you may have for new exercises, relevant articles and news!


Contact Us

Feel free to send us a message, sharing your ideas and thoughts regarding our training programme, as well as any suggestions you may have for new exercises, relevant articles and news!

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The overall purpose of the Online Platform is to offer our THRIVE@WORK Training and Mentoring Programme through the internet, so that every HR Professional, VET in-company leader, CEO and business owner can have access to it, so as to develop a programme that promotes and enhances workplace well-being, contributing to a positive organisational culture.

Useful Links

Find out useful links related to our training programme!

Thrive@Work Training Programme

The aim of our training programme is to provide the opportunity to HR Professionals and in-company VET trainers to further develop their knowledge, skills, strategies and techniques in order to be able to create a comprehensive well-being programme in their workplace, or to educate and mentor their organisational leaders and colleagues in significant well-being principles and practices.


Join the discussion and exchange your ideas and thoughts in our forum!


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